I agree, and as my friend Jaekindly pointed out to me, some plants refuse to bloom in soils that aren’t fertile or right for them. I recently befriended a plant for a friend that needed help. It was precious to her -a 40!year old plant. As I started to care for it and carefully transplant it — I found ou that while it had leaves… it didn’t have a single root! How was that even possible? I couldn’t see how it was even alive. It took me nearly four months of nurturing, finding the right soils, nutrients, water and light conditions, until I could finally help the plant put down roots. It simply had forgotten how to do it. One of the secrets was that I also planted some big sister plants that could help the elder plant remember what it had forgotten.
So much we have to learn from the plants.
I LOVE your messages! And I support you in all you are saying and doing. Love it all.